My damage was (at best guess) primarily left brain (process, analysis), frontal (emotions and verbal filters) and the corpus collosum (sp?): that's the part that connects the left and right brain and allows for multi-tasking (like cooking two things at once or driving - which is truly the ultimate in multi-tasking!) I also have damage to whatever part of the brain makes new memories; I've no idea which part that is or how to "fix" that although I have been trying to play memory games to help. My neurologist says that the damaged areas may not heal, but if pressed, the brain will figure out how to "re-route" those things I'm asking it to do...
I have been playing online games to strengthen the left brain with some success, and I am able to cook two sometimes three things at a time but always with a chaperone as I do feel safer that way. I have not figured out anything to do to strengthen the frontal lobe - I still cry or rage or curse without provocation. And if I am stressed or tired, this is a real challenge!