Disability benefits

quite RN in 12/98-didnt get benefits til oct. 2003. Had attorney who was a Marine who wouldn't give up. The first judge was demented, hard of hearing, clueless. the second jdge knew instantly I needed disability.

Having the right doctor who will list all your diagnoses and having an attorney who wont give up on you-a winning combo, even if it did take five years. in the meantime, I was able to care for parents, uncle, husband, etc, and be more available to children. sheryl

I'm glad things are working out for you. My first doctor said I'd be fine to return to work 4-6 months after being hospitalized unable to walk, talk or see. So I tried. And failed miserably.

My new doctor is terrific except for the handling of paperwork to disability. That is frustrating, but I'll take someone who actually understands my illness over someone who hasn't a clue.

My biggest concern is a contract my now-former employer made with Liberty Mutual (the ones currently paying my long term disability benefits that I thankfully paid into), that if I get Social Security benefits (which they pay retro-actively from the date of officially ceasing work), Liberty Mutual gets the back-pay and I HAVE TO PAY TAXES ON IT! EXPLAIN THAT TO ME?!?!?

Additionally, I finally qualified to have my student loans discharged because of permanent disability, and I just received a form stating that it counts as income, and I'm to be taxed on that as well! If I could afford to pay my student loans monthly, I would. Now I'll have to come up with that money for the IRS?!?

Something is wrong with our system. And who would fight this battle for me if wasn't able to? Sigh.

Frustrated today. LauraK

Hi Laura,

My disability was based on my previous jobs and what I made while working. They figured on what I hade already paid into the system, I believe. I was unemployed for 18 months before I got hit with ADEM. I had just started a new job. I went in for my 2nd Monday and was instructed to go to the ER.

I was never able to return. I get SS Disabilty and I have a handicap sticker for my car. My how my life has changed… As it has for many of us.