ADEM Specialists

It has been a while since I’ve seen Specialists addressed. If you have seen a doctor/specialist that is familiar with ADEM and you are comfortable sharing their information, please list their name and location here for others to find, as they may need help.


Dr Battacharji - Neurologist - Royal Free Hospital, London and Lister Hospital, Stevenage, Herts, both UK

Thank you very much Kathy!

Dr spinty, Alder Hey children’s hospital, Liverpool, UK

Thank you very much Raych33!

Hi Lynn,

In your time of being the Community Host has anyone made any kind of recommendations in Canada, particularly Ontario?

My mom recently came down with this horrible disease, post COVID (March 28). Her current injury is extreme (we are lucky she didn’t die, although I’m scared she is hoping for that) and we feel the barriers with COVID are really putting limitations on her healing. For examples minimal visits due to hospital policy, medical staff saving PPE and not rotating her enough (she now has a bed sore), not being able to hire a PSA at the hospital to help her communicate (she is currently none verbal but seems fully there and only has movement in her right hand) and move her. I’m hoping and in need of finding the right rehabilitation facility for her.


I’m sorry you are all in this position. I too was diagnosed as an adult at 55. However, I was lucky and not as near severe. I have not heard of anyone in Canada, but let’s see what we can do. What is your Mom’s first name, so that I can pray for her?